Hello CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing Stakeholders:
To assist those of you who are applying for an annual commercial cannabis cultivation license, we have created a couple of new reference guides to help explain what’s required for the cultivation plan and some of the other required application attachments:
We also have updated our step-by-step videos and created new step-by-step guides, which will walk you through each page of the online applications and describe what is required:
- Step-by-Step Videos: Registration and a TEMPORARY Cannabis Cultivation License Application and Registration and an ANNUAL Cannabis Cultivation License Application
- Step-by-Step Guide: How to Apply for a State Cannabis Cultivation License
- Step-by-Step Guide: How to Use the State Cannabis Cultivation Online System
Many other helpful documents, including FAQs and Fact Sheets, are posted on the CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing website.
CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing is a division of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. For more information on the state’s cannabis cultivation licensing process, please call toll-free 1-833-CALGROW or send an email to calcannabis@cdfa.ca.gov. Thank you.