MCSB cannabis manufacturing licenses may be renewed up to 60 days prior to their expiration date. If your license expiration date is approaching, please review the information below on how to complete the renewal process.
Check your email
Licensees will automatically receive an email with instructions and a link to complete the renewal process. This email will be sent 60 days prior to the license expiration date, when you become eligible for renewal, and you will receive another email reminder 30 days prior to expiration.
Login to your MCLS account
The email will include a link that will direct you to your Manufactured Cannabis Licensing System (MCLS) account. Login using the same account information that you currently use to view your licensee account, and follow the instructions included in the email.
Click “renew license”
Once in your MCLS account, click on the name of the business to open the license that is eligible for renewal. Then click “Renew License” to begin the renewal application.
Update your information
Your renewal application will be automatically pre-populated with the information on file for your license. Update any fields that have changed and upload any missing documents. Please thoroughly review each section to ensure that all information is complete and accurate. If you have made any changes to your business or operating procedures, please ensure that all such changes are reflected in your renewal application.
NOTE: The state cannabis laws related to license application documents may have changed since you first applied for your license. The new requirements for Labor Peace Agreements are:
- For businesses with 20 or more employees: Provide a copy of the signature page of the Labor Peace Agreement or a notarized statement affirming that the business will enter into a Labor Peace Agreement.
- For businesses with less than 20 employees: Provide a notarized statement affirming that the business will enter into a Labor Peace Agreement within 60 days of hiring their 20th employee.
Submit your renewal
Once you submit your renewal request, you will be asked to pay your license fee. License fees may be paid using the same methods available for the initial application and license fees. Follow the prompts on the screen to make a payment online via bank account or credit card or to schedule an appointment for a cash payment.
An active license is required to conduct commercial cannabis activity
California state law requires all those conducting commercial cannabis activity to have an active state license. If you submit your renewal application before your expiration date, your license will remain active while your renewal application is reviewed. If your expiration date passes and you have not submitted your renewal application, you will be required to cease operations and you will be prohibited from conducting any commercial cannabis activity until you have an active license.
Not renewing?
If you do not want to renew your license, please contact our licensing team to notify us of your decision before the license expiration date. If you have any questions about renewing your license, please contact the licensing analyst assigned to your account or reach out to our licensing team.