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Track and trace requirements for delivery of cannabis goods: emergency readopt rulemaking

Track and trace requirements for delivery of cannabis goods: emergency readopt rulemaking

Type: Emergency rulemaking  

Status:   Approved and filed with Secretary of State June 26, 2023. Effective June 26, 2023.

Summary: The Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) has readopted its emergency regulations implementing Assembly Bill 195, which requires that information relating to cannabis goods leaving a licensed retail premises in a delivery vehicle be recorded in the statewide track and trace system. This readoption allows the emergency regulations to remain in place while the DCC continues the process to permanently adopt regulations through the regular rulemaking action. 

View the rulemaking documents

Finding of emergency and emergency text  

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Rulemaking Overview

Regulations are state laws with specific rules for how businesses and others must operate.  Regulations are created and changed through a process called rulemaking. Changes must be approved by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL). View DCC’s proposed and completed rulemaking.