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Cultivation license fees

Cultivation license fees

Cultivation licenses fees are based on your size and type of production or lighting.

General cultivation license fees

Cultivation license typeApplication feeLicense fee
Specialty cottage outdoor$135$1,205
Specialty cottage indoor$205$1,830
Specialty cottage mixed-light tier 1$340$3,035
Specialty cottage mixed-light tier 2$580$5,200
Specialty outdoor$270$2,410
Specialty indoor$2,170$19,540
Specialty mixed-light tier 1$655$5,900
Specialty mixed-light tier 2$1,125$10,120
Small outdoor$535$4,820
Small indoor$3,935$35,410
Small mixed-light tier 1$1,310$11,800
Small mixed-light tier 2$2,250$20,235
Medium outdoor$1,555$13,990
Medium indoor$8,655$77,905
Medium mixed-light tier 1$2,885$25,970
Medium mixed-light tier 2$4,945$44,517
Application and license fees for general cultivation license types.

Fees for large cultivation license types

Large cultivation license typeApplication feeBase license feeFee per additional 2,000 square feet
Large outdoor$1,555$13,990$640
Large indoor$8,655$77,905$7,080
Large mixed-light tier 1$2,885$25,970$2,360
Large mixed-light tier 2$4,945$44,517$4,040
Application and license fees for large cultivation license types.