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FAQ:  Transitioning a provisional license to an annual license before it expires in 2025

FAQ:  Transitioning a provisional license to an annual license before it expires in 2025

Provisional licensees must actively and diligently pursue all requirements for annual licensure and comply with applicable laws. To help you successfully transition to annual licensure, DCC sends notifications identifying the outstanding information that DCC needs to complete its review of the annual application.  

Timely responses to these notifications are essential to a successful transition to annual licensure. To prevent a missed notification, please maintain an up-to-date email address and telephone number for the license’s Designated Responsible Party (DRP). To update the DRP’s email address and telephone number complete the DCC-LIC-027 form and email it to  

Failure to respond to a notification or comply with applicable laws can result in termination or suspension of the provisional license and denial of the annual license application.  

Frequently asked questions

Q:  How can I tell if I have an annual license or a provisional license?  

A:  After January 1, 2025, DCC can no longer renew a provisional license.  To determine if you have an annual or provisional license, you can look up your license using the Cannabis Unified License Search.   

Q:  How can I learn more about transitioning my provisional license to an annual license?   

A:  After January 1, 2025, DCC can no longer renew a provisional license. To learn more about any outstanding compliance violations or outstanding deficiencies that must be resolved to transition to an annual license, follow the instructions below.  

CLS licensing system users: 

  • Reference all deficiency notice(s) and make sure to submit all final documentation within a Science Amendment. To learn more about submitting a Science Amendment, visit the DCC website.  
  • To locate your deficiency notice(s), log into your account on the DCC’s cultivation licensing portal, select My Licenses, locate and select your license number, select Record Info, and then click Attachments.   
  • If you have already submitted a Science Amendment and have questions regarding the status, please email

CLEaR licensing system users:  

  • Reference all emailed deficiency notice(s) and email all final documentation to the DCC contact within the notice.   

If you already submitted all final documentation and have questions regarding the status, email

Q:  What if I have a provisional license and it expires after January 1, 2025, can I still renew? 

A:  If your provisional license expires in 2025, your license will not be eligible for renewal.  You must transition to an annual license before you will be eligible to renew your license.  

Q:  Can I continue to operate after the January 1, 2025, deadline? 

A:  If your provisional license has not transitioned to annual licensure by January 1, 2025, and it is not expired, suspended, revoked, or cancelled, you may continue to operate unless you have been notified by DCC of other restrictions.  

Q:  Are there any exceptions to the January 1, 2025, deadline?  

A:  Yes, locally verified equity retail licenses with valid provisional licenses may be eligible for provisional license renewal until January 1, 2031, or until 5 years from the date the provisional license was originally issued, whichever is earlier.  

For more information about renewing locally verified equity retail provisional licenses, review Business and Professions Code sections 26240 and 26050.5.   

Q:  What happens when a provisional licensee has failed to comply with the applicable laws or failed to resolve outstanding deficiencies and meet annual license requirement prior to the license expiration date in 2025?  

A:  Failure to comply with applicable laws or resolve outstanding deficiencies and meet requirements for annual licensure can result in suspension or revocation of the provisional license and denial of the annual license application. 

Q:  If DCC is considering suspending or revoking a provisional license, what are the next steps?  

DCC will issue a Notice of Provisional License Review (Notice). The Notice will:  

  • Identify any compliance violations, or outstanding deficiencies, and  
  • Outline the way compliance may be achieved. 

Additionally, the notice will provide instructions on requesting an informal meeting with DCC to discuss the matter.  

Q:  What if I fail to transition to an annual license before I expire in 2025? 

A:  Your provisional license may be suspended, revoked, or naturally expire and you will be directed to cease all commercial cannabis activity.  Additionally, you will not be able to receive or transfer cannabis or cannabis products to or from the premises.  

California Code of Regulations, title 4, section 15024.1 provides the requirements for the disposal of cannabis and cannabis products that remain on the premises following the termination of a license. 

Q:  If the DCC is considering denying the annual license application, what are the next steps?  

A:  The applicant may withdraw the application at any time prior to the denial of the license. If the license is denied, the applicant may request an appeal hearing within 30 calendar days of the notification of denial.  

Q:  Who can I contact if I have questions? 

A:  An approved contact associated with your license can email for more information.  Please include the license number you have questions about.


For further assistance, please contact us.

For questions about lake or streambed alteration agreements, please contact the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

For questions about cannabis cultivation General Order, please contact the State Water Resources Control Board.

Related resources

  • FAQ:  Transitioning a provisional license to an annual license before it expires in 2025

    Provisional licensees must actively and diligently pursue all requirements for annual licensure and comply with applicable laws. To help you successfully transition to annual licensure, DCC sends notifications identifying the outstanding information that DCC needs to complete its review of the annual application.  

  • Renewal requirements for provisional licenses

    All licensees must adhere to the renewal requirements set forth within California Code of Regulations (CCR) section 15020. Additionally, provisional licensees must meet specific criteria to renew a provisional license to ensure progress is being made toward annual licensure. A summary of criteria and timelines related to provisional licenses is outlined below and available within…

  • Key dates for provisional licenses

    This timeline outlines important dates and deadlines for provisional licenses. A PDF of this information is also available to download.