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Unified Cannabis Enforcement Taskforce (UCETF)

Unified Cannabis Enforcement Taskforce (UCETF)


Created in 2022 by Governor Gavin Newsom, the Unified Cannabis Enforcement Taskforce has been charged by the Governor to better align state efforts and increase cannabis enforcement coordination between state, local and federal partners. UCETF’s enforcement actions protect consumer and public safety, safeguard the environment, and deprive illegal cannabis operators and transnational criminal organizations of illicit revenue that harms consumers and undercuts the regulated cannabis market in California.

Water illegally diverted for an outdoor illicit cannabis operation. Photo credit: CDFW
Personnel wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) due to excessive mold in an illicit residential cannabis operation.
Photo credit: Lancaster PD
Debris left in the forest at an illicit cannabis grow site on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in California. Photo credit: US Forest Service
An illegal firearm seized by authorities during a UCETF operation.

Task Force Objectives


Investigating, seizing, and dismantling illegal cannabis operations across California.


Pursuing accountability through criminal, civil and administrative actions.


Developing and sharing materials that promote public and law enforcement awareness of UCETF efforts.


Gathering, analyzing and sharing information through partner collaboration.

Latest Enforcement Updates


For more information related to the UCETF, please reach out to 


You can file an anonymous complaint against an unlicensed cannabis business for possible UCETF action. Provide as much detail as you can.