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CannaConnect Licensee Resources

CannaConnect Licensee Resources

CannaConnect is the Department of Cannabis Control’s (DCC) resource hub, here to help license holders get the tools & support they need to maintain compliance and thrive. 

Latest updates

  • Cannabis products that could be attractive to children are prohibited

    Licensees that engage in advertising, marketing, manufacturing, packaging, or labeling cannabis or cannabis products in a manner that is determined to be attractive to children may be subject to citations and fines, license suspension, license denial, and license revocation. The following FAQs outline what to avoid, how to report violations, and tips for safely storing…

  • AB 1894 and new requirements for packaging, labeling, advertising, and marketing

    In 2022, the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill 1894, the “Integrated cannabis vaporizer: packaging, labeling, advertisement, and marketing” bill. Beginning July 1, 2024, this bill will add new requirements for the packaging, labeling, advertising, or marketing of cannabis cartridges and integrated cannabis vaporizers.  There are two parts to the new requirements: New requirements for advertising…

  • Cultivation license change options

    New license change options are now available for certain types of cultivation licenses. On March 11, 2024, the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) adopted emergency regulations to implement Senate Bill 833.  Under the new regulations, eligible cultivation licensees can make certain changes to their license. These changes include: If you are considering making any of…

    Learn more about the options

Getting started

Being a cannabis license holder makes you a pioneer in a budding industry. You are in the right place to begin or continue your journey as a licensed California cannabis business.  

Advertising, marketing, packaging, and labeling

For provisional licensees

Provisional licenses help cannabis operators, particularly small, equity, and legacy cannabis businesses, transition into the legal market. They provide cannabis businesses with a pathway to enter and remain in the legal market while they complete local permitting and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements. 

Licensee modifications and forms

Change and innovation are key to the success of cannabis businesses in this growing new industry. Use the notification and request form to update your license and to maintain compliance. 

  • How to submit a science amendment

    Why submit a science amendment? There are several reasons to notify the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) via a Science Amendment. This includes transitioning a cultivation provisional license to an annual license, submitting documentation for a license renewal review, proposing physical modifications to the licensed premises, or modifying previously reported electricity usage. A Science Amendment…

Licensing system user guides

Cultivation licensing system user guides

CLEaR system user guides

Converting to a large or medium cultivation license

Starting January 1, 2023, an eligible licensee may convert active and previously active cultivation licenses into a Large (Type 5, 5A, or 5B) or Medium cultivation license. Additionally, a licensee may hold more than one Medium cultivation license.

Track and Trace

DCC has partnered with Metrc to make improvements to the California Cannabis Track-And-Trace (CCTT) System, which all licensees are required to use to track cannabis from seed to sale. 

Contact Metrc

Compliance and regulations

DCC partners with local jurisdictions and other state agencies to uphold California’s commercial cannabis laws and regulations, through both routine inspections of license holders, as well as coordinated investigations. 


Help DCC protect the legal cannabis market by reporting complaints anonymously 

Workplace safety

Operating a safe workplace is critical to the success of a business. It is the obligation of all California businesses to ensure their employees are safe at work.

Labor peace agreements

State law requires many commercial cannabis licensees to enter into, and abide by, labor peace agreements. Check out our labor peace agreement FAQ.

Electricity usage reporting requirements

All cultivation and microbusiness licensees authorized to engage in cannabis cultivation are required to report total electricity use for each power source used to the DCC upon license renewal.

Questions or suggestions?

DCC’s team of cannabis experts are here to help. For any additional questions regarding your license and compliance: 

If you have suggestions on educational materials that would help you understand regulations, licensing deadlines, or stay in compliance, let us know by emailing